Carte blanche au Brésil
The international educational film festival is renewing a partnership dynamic with Brazil. With the support of the cultural services of the French embassy in Brazil, we contacted the Mostra Ecofalante de Cinema festival – Ecofalante Environmental Film Festival – http://ecofalante.org.br/. Indeed, after several discussions and working meetings, real convergences between our two festivals and the NGOs that organize them have emerged. Ecofalante is a CSO (civil society organization) working in the fields of culture, education and sustainable development.
Nous accueillerons donc Liciane Mamede, Produção/ Programação – Production/ Film programming de Ecofalante, et nous avons choisi ensemble de présenter 3 films de leur programmation. Lors de cette soirée spéciale Brésil, sera également diffusé un film brésilien, en compétition courts et moyens métrages.