Sand pie
Mína and her Toy friend are having fun in a sandpit. Suddenly, the Toy is captured by cycling Totemites! To save the Toy tied up to a high totem seems impossible. Our heroes need to overcome risky challenges.
Jeff, néo nazi, élève son fils dans ses valeurs. Un jour, sous les yeux de son fils, lui et sa bande tabasse un homme noir devant sa famille, sur le parking d’un super marché. Skin est un film-choc efficace sur deux fléaux américains, le recours inconsidéré aux armes à feu... Lire la suite
Johnny is ten years-old. He’s interested in all kinds of things way beyond his years. In his tough neighborhood in Eastern France, he observes with curiosity his young single mother’s turbulent love life. This year, a new teacher, fresh from the big city, takes over Johnny’s class. Mr. Adamski believes... Lire la suite
The cobweb
When hostility is transformed into friendship and solidarity.
The Flag painter
The Flag Painter helps the world’s greatest leaders to “flaunt their ideals”, until one day he realises what they’re really about.
The form
For years Filip has been trying to get his mother to talk about her childhood. Saved from the Warsaw ghetto and then hidden in the countryside until the end of the war, she has always kept this part of her life secret. She will gradually put words on her memories... Lire la suite