It is our great pleasure to welcome you in the Evreux Pathé cinema for our 17th edition. For a festival cannot do without films screenings, meeting others and debates into cinemas.

We offer this year the usual topics, 32 films for teenagers (primary and secondary schools, recreation centers), a Saturday special afternoon for families (parents and children) with the European animated movie Fritzi telling us about an ongoing friendship during the fall of the Berlin Wall. And 36 short and medium-length competition films with different writing forms and styles, twice more full-length movies, 10 documentaries and 10 fictions never-before released but selected or awarded at big international film festivals. All reflecting life stories in today’s complex and changing environment, the place of young people and women, inclusion and solidarities, family relations, relationships with others. From South America to Asia, from all around Europe to the Mediterranean Basin, from the Middle East to Africa and the States. Not to miss the closing session and the award ceremony on Saturday at 5 pm with the projection of Mon Frère et moi from Yohan Manca where Nour, aged 14, discovers that art can change someone’s life if they decide.

All in all the selection committee selected some 90 films from more than 30 countries. It anticipates the presence of many producers. The Festival will also debate on the pandemic crisis we have been through. It will challenge us to reflect critically on digital technology and its impact on man and the planet “L’humain et la planète… leur avenir dans un monde toujours plus numérique ?” It will help to understand
and analyse the danger of manipulative images “Faut-il le voir pour le croire ? Littératie visuelle et esprit critique” It will point out the actual danger of virtual life replacing real life, especially among young people
“Dans une période de plus grande fragilité, les jeunes peuvent souffrir. Comment comprendre et aider dans ces moments ?”

The interactions will be again face to face, allowing young people to get involved in juries ad workshops, in blog spaces and web-reporting, in young cinema criticisms and youth meetings Les Rencontres Jeunes
en images, therefore demonstrating active commitment. In addition, the Festival will also take place downtown, among seniors, inside the Evreux hospital, in schools or welfare centres. It will also encourage people to attend.

We do hope you will appreciate this 17th edition. We prepared it all year long. Many of our partners provided support to our team (ENPJJ, Cnaf, Education, Youth, French overseas departments, Territorial cohesion  Ministries, Maïf, Casden, MGEN…), as well as the city of Evreux, the Eure Departmental Council and the Regional Council of Normandy. We thank them all for their support and their interest in this cultural and social event which is a vehicle for the universal values of education, peace and solidarity.

During five days, from November 30th to December 4th choose what you like and go your own way. Let yourself dream and think cinema, grow together, step out of your daily feelings. In the always present health crisis context we reaffirm that cinema and culture contagion prove stronger that viruses contagion.

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