Two meetings are planned with college pupils from the Eure
département, bearing on the theme of “living together”,
tolerance, differences and the adolescent view on the adult
world… These meetings are organised in particular with
the Defender of Rights. One of these meetings, intended
for 6th-5th forms, will present Un jour ça ira. The second one,
for 4th-3rd forms will present the film Wardi. The purpose
is to develop education on the themes dealt with in the
films, through a debate with the college pupils after the
The proceeding carried out with the teachers and
moderated by the Ceméa and the teams of the Defender
of Rights, are articulated in three specific moments:
• First, work in the classroom conducted by the teachers.
The latter can see the film chosen, and so prepare their
pupils to the projection of the film and the debate which
follows the projection. They can use the documents of
a pedagogic dossier whose objectives are to grasp the
different aspects of the theme of “living together” and
tolerance, to understand what is at stake,
in particular by way of “doing together”,
in relationship with the International
Convention of Children’s Rights.
• The projection of the films, during the
festival, in Pathé cinema.
• A debate after the projection of the films
moderated by two young ambassadors of
Children’s Rights (JADE) with the college
pupils of the participant classes.


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