It is a great pleasure to share with you the official selection of the full-lenght feature films in competition for the Festival’s 17th edition!

What’s new this year: we doubled the number of feature films selected!

10 documentaries and 10 feature fiction films, which will compete in two separate categories!

These films were
selected or awarded at big international film festivals and they are to be seen for the first time in Evreux, between November 30th and December 4th!

The full-lenght Fiction Films :

Ali & Ava, directed by Clio Barnard (Great Britain, 95 mins)
The city of wild beasts, directed by Henry Eduardo Rincón Orozco (Columbia-Ecuador, 93 mins)
Brother’s Keeper, directed by Ferit Karahan (Romania-Turkey, 100 mins)
To Chiara, directed by Jonas Carpignano (Italy-France, 121 mins)
Softie, directed by Samuel Theis (France, 94 mins)
The Gravedigger’s Wife, directed  by Khadar Ahmed (Finland-Germany-France, 82 mins)
Amira, directed by Mohamed Diab (Egypt-Jordan-United Arab Emirates-Saoudi Arabia, 98 mins)
Coalesce, directed byJessé Miceli (Cambodgia-France, 83 mins)
Yuni, directed by Kamila Andini (Singapour-France-Indonesia, 95 mins)
There is no evil, directed by Mohammad Rasoulof (Iran, 150 mins)

Au programme des Longs-Métrages Documentaires :

Life of Ivanna, directed by Renato Borrayo Serrano (Estonia-Russia-Norway-Finland, 80 mins)
Acasa, my home, directed by Radu Ciorniciuc (Romania-Finland-Germany, 86 mins)
Wake up on Mars, directed by Dea Gjinovci (France-Switzerland, 74 mins)
School of hope, directed by Mohamed El Aboudi (Finland-France-Morocco-USA, 78 mins)
Sunless Shadows, directed by Mehrdad Oskouei (Norway-Iran, 74 mins)
The Earth is blue as an orange, directed by Iryna Tsilyk (Lithuania-Ukraine, 74 mins)
Radiograph of a family, directed by Firouzeh Khosrovani (Norvège-Iran-Suisse, 82 mins)
The Phantom of Spandau, directed by Idriss Gabel and Marie Calvas (Belgium, 73 mins)
Pénélope, mon amour, réalisé par Claire Doyon (France, 88 mins)
Retour à Visegrad, réalisé par Julie Biro et Antoine Jaccoud (Suisse, 94 mins)

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